Lucidity For Life

Easter: A Moment of Shock & Awe

Dewayne Presson Season 1 Episode 2

Exploring the depths of doubt and the heights of spiritual rejuvenation, I, Dewayne Presson, will attempt to guide you through a narrative that parallels the amazing grandeur and display of fireworks with the life-altering resurrection of Jesus. Picture this: the same wonder that washes over you as bright lights explode in the night sky—that's akin to the awe-stricken moments Thomas the Apostle felt as he witnessed miracles that defied reality. We wander through his journey of skepticism to a profound renewal of faith, in an episode that promises to leave you with a deeper understanding of Easter's powerful message and its significance for our daily lives.

This latest conversation in Lucidity for Life is more than just a retelling; it's a shared experience of loss, hope, and redemption. Feel the weight lifted as we recount the restorative power of Jesus' presence, a balm for the weary souls seeking solace in times of strife. Through Thomas's eyes, we experience the peace extended to all who are burdened, and the simplicity of heartfelt prayer as a bridge to grace. Join us for an episode that not only reflects on biblical history but also provides a sanctuary for those yearning for a touch of divine peace in the here and now.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome once again to our podcast, lucidity for Life a beacon of light in a world veiled in chaos. I'm your host, dwayne Presson, and I'm honored to embark on this transformative journey with you. In each episode of Lucidity for Life, we invite you to join us as we explore the intersection of biblical insight and the timeless wisdom of Jesus. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of life, drawing from the sacred texts and teachings to illuminate our moral and spiritual pathways for our life's journey. Whether you're seeking solace in turbulent times, grappling with ethical dilemmas or simply yearning for spiritual enlightenment, we hope that you can find Lucidity for Life to be your trusted companion on the quest for deeper understanding and meaningful spiritual connection. So, without further ado, let's dive into today's episode titled Easter a moment of shock and awe, and let us uncover the profound biblical truths that await us there. Welcome to Lucidity for Life.

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I can't recall the exact day or my age when I first beheld the climatic finale of our family's 4th of July celebration, whether it was on our little farm in Cottleville, missouri, or down at the gathering place in our community when we moved to the suburbs, but the wonder that surged within me as multiple explosions shattered the night's silence remains etched in my memory. Their power reverberated through the darkness, eliciting expressions of awe from those around me, myself included. Then, as suddenly as thunder, brilliant cascades of light pierced the sky, starkly contrasting against the starlit canvas. It was a moment encapsulated by a phrase that is now familiar to us all but foreign to my mind back then, a moment we would express as shock and awe. The Oxford Language Dictionary defines shock as a sudden, upsetting or surprising event or experience, and it defines awe as a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. Feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder yeah, I suppose that just about sums up what I was feeling when that explosive spectacle unfolded. A sudden event that instilled great reverence and overwhelming wonder, the shock and awe of it all. That just about says it. As I matured, I began to grasp the symbolic significance of this explosive spectacle an annual tribute on July 4th to commemorate the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress in 1776. Independence from foreign influence.

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Each time, my young mind, accompanied by its twin imagination, witnessed the explosive display, thrusting upward into the night sky with all its might and fury, only to inexplicably illuminate the surroundings with breathtaking brilliance. It transported me back to that historic day in 1776, a day when countless citizens gathered to celebrate their newfound freedom from England, a freedom secured through the sacrifice and toil of many. They anticipated the peace and liberty it promised, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead for our nation and its people, the growth, the trials and the pivotable role we would play as a beacon of hope and freedom for all to see, that would forever shape and guide the history of the world. The life and ministry of Jesus teemed with countless events that could only be described as moments of shock and awe. From the very inception, when the announcement of his birth was heralded by the radiant glow of a star against the backdrop of a darkened sky, the world stood transformed. As his ministry unfolded, the light shifted from celestial proclamation to the revelation of the true light, the singular beacon that traversed every street, graced every home and illuminated every synagogue he entered. Wherever he trod, hearts and lives were irreversibly changed. The darkness of present hopelessness, fear and brokenness yielded to the otherworldly brilliance of His heavenly power and divine authority. Truly, the world has never been the same.

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But let me not get ahead of myself today veering off from the true essence of this momentous occasion, which we commemorate as Easter. As we embark on celebrating our spiritual independence day through the timeless testimony of an empty tomb, let us reflect on the profound significance and enduring impact of the proclamation echoed through the ages he is risen. But for now, let's set aside my musings and inspired reflections. Let's set aside my musings and inspired reflections. Instead, let's delve into the life and ministry of Jesus through the lens of one of his 12 disciples, a disciple known as Thomas, or Didymus, as his comrades and friends affectionately called him.

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One thing he'd gleaned from walking beside Jesus, day in, day out, these past three plus years, was that his mind's grasp on reality was merely the tip of the iceberg, as revealed by Jesus. Everything he thought was impossible got a makeover, morphing his way of thinking into a new realm of possibility when Jesus was included in the mix. A new realm of possibility when Jesus was included in the mixed. Time and again, he found himself dumbstruck, then dumbfounded, watching Jesus wield authority, like a surgeon wields a scalpel. Jesus' words, sharp and true, slice through the opposition and forgive the old analogy like a hot knife through butter. His presence alone compelled diseases and infirmities to slink away into the darkness where they came from? Close or distance, proximity to the person in need did not matter Whether Jesus sought them out or they sought him. The outcome was consistently reliable Liberation, jubilation, laughter and a hope so powerful it was contagious and could not be contained.

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How many miracles had herald Jesus as the Messiah, the Chosen One, as declared by the prophet Isaiah, the chosen one as declared by the prophet Isaiah, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Any lingering doubts that Thomas might have had evaporated when he witnessed countless lives transformed by the mere touch of Jesus or his spoken words. First there was the exorcism in the Capernaum synagogue, a display of power that reverberated throughout the city and beyond. Faces of those touched by Jesus flashed through his mind's eye. The leopard, his skin pristine and his heart overflowing with joy. The paralytic, whose friends tore through a roof to lower him at jesus feet. In a breathtaking moment, jesus forgave the man's sins, then revealed his true authority by healing his body as well. He remembered those in the room as the once paralyzed man strode out, bed in hand, as the crowd erupted in words of praise, marveling at the wonders of this Jesus who spoke with such authority and power which they declared they had never seen or heard before. His life experiences with Jesus continue to flash before his mind's eye.

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It didn't matter whether the afflicted individual sought help Jesus was always ready to provide for the need. When he stumbled upon Simon Peter's fever-stricken mother-in-law, there was no fanfare, no grand proclamation, just a simple touch and the fever fled, leaving her brimming with newfound vigor, once again serving her guest with renewed strength. It was simply amazing. Every shock, every awe-inspiring moment only reinforced the conviction in the heart of Thomas Jesus was more than a man. He was the embodiment of the angelic proclamation to Joseph which said Jesus was God with us. Jesus was God incarnate, walking, talking among them, forever altering the course of history, and a revelation that their perceived reality is not God's reality at all.

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And just when he thought Jesus had showcased all his might, the piece de resistance unfolded, a spectacle so profoundly powerful that it shook the very foundation of mankind's belief structure. It began with the grim news of Lazarus' passing, drawing them somberly to his tomb Picture. It, shock and awe, redefined Jesus, undeterred by the four days of death's grip, brushed aside the naysayers and commanded the stone's removal. Watch, he said, and see the glory of God. As his voice echoed through the air, a hush fell, a pregnant pause before the crescendo. Then a stirring from within the sepulcher, a whisper of movement, dust dancing in the sun's embrace. And there he stood, lazarus restored to life. Lazarus restored to life Amidst the gas of disbelief and the shivers of fear. Jesus broke the silence with a simple decree Release him from his bonds, let him go, for he is free.

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No words can aptly capture the awe that gripped those witnesses. How could you describe it? Astounding, otherworldly, beyond comprehension, Marvelous, perhaps, or simply indescribable. Shock and awe, indeed, but on a scale hitherto unseen or heard. But now let's fast forward into the future, in the life of Thomas, and witness another manifestation of shock and awe. But this shock would be different. The tremors of shock first rippled through the garden of Gethsemane when soldiers led by the portrayer Judas arrived to arrest Jesus. That alone was a moment of shock that Thomas hadn't experienced before, compounded further by the fact that he was betrayed by the kiss of one of his own disciples, the infamous Judas, forever etched in history as the betrayer. They whisked him away for interrogation, bound as a prisoner and shamefully alone.

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As the disciples slipped silently into the darkness of their surroundings and their hearts led them far from Jesus, the shock was deafening. Their hearts were racing, questions and doubts were rushing in like a flood from a broken dam, tossing them about. Like a ship without a sail or rudder, each disciple ran to their own hiding place, their own place of denial, seeking solitude to ponder and try to put some sense into the events that had just transpired. What to do? Why did this happen? How could it happen? What could they have done to stop it from happening? Each question pounded their minds, like a rocket exploding in the sky, but with no illumination, no brightness to signal a time of celebration, only thunderous echoes pounding in their hearts, foretelling of a storm on the horizon, a storm that was surely leading to chaos and confusion, with all their plans and hopes dashed at Jesus' arrest and interrogation. As the clouds gathered both in the sky and in their hearts, they searched for answers or possible solutions, perhaps hidden within obscure words of Jesus that they had somehow overlooked, or an underlying message missed during his teaching in the days leading up to the Passover. But no matter how hard they sought to uncover a hidden answer, to illuminate some heavenly plan or reason for the day's events through Jesus' words, there was nothing to calm their fears or bolster their faith. In fact, upon closer reflection of Jesus' words that week, it was quite the contrary.

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Thomas began to recall Jesus' words just days before Passover. You know that after two days the Passover is coming and the Son of man will be delivered up to be crucified, jesus said and now, in hindsight, the meaning was clear. There was no doubt as to what he meant. Yet in that moment, on that day, they had dismissed it, even chose to overlook it, perhaps hoping for further explanation from Jesus to aid their understanding. But now they could see there was no need for further clarification, for the truth was plain to see. They simply hadn't wanted to accept it.

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Each day marched on like a soldier on a mission, but on this particular day in his life, there was no leader to provide any direction. The destination, the goal, the purpose were all unknown now, for the king was dead, along with any hopes of his kingdom being established forever. But how could this be forever? But how could this be? Thomas struggled to recall the words Mary had shared with them around the kitchen table, as they listened in awe as she described, when the angel of God visited her, proclaiming the birth of Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, he said, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father, david, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.

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But it just didn't add up. How could two realities coexist? How could two truths be true? Either he was Jesus, god in the flesh, the Savior of all mankind, or he was merely another prophet whose time had passed. Yet, deep in his heart, thomas knew the answer yes, he was Jesus, the Messiah. But how could he reconcile his present reality with the prophecy he knew to be true and the words of Jesus that had brought deliverance, healing and joy to so many, which were now forever lost with the passing of time?

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As surely as the grave that now held Jesus captive, everything around him seemed to echo the message it's over. It was good while it lasted. Many lives were blessed to have known him. But that was yesterday and this is today. Nothing can change that.

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So resonant was this message that Thomas held in his heart that he found solace only in seeking and finding his own hiding place, away from those who might harm him, away from memories he wished to forget, memories that only into eternity, where he found himself slowly succumbing to the relentless assault of doubt, fear and chaos pounding at his heart like relentless explosions in the night air. Yet there was no hiding, there were no answers, only the constant reminder that he had no answers for his questions and no hope that anyone else could provide them. It was for that reason that Thomas now found himself all alone, isolated, wrestling with his innermost fears, separated from the other disciples, along with the support and encouragement they would no doubt offer him, and encouragement they would no doubt offer him. It's our spiritual enemy's business to cause us, when, like Thomas, our world is falling apart, to become self-isolated, vulnerable, left alone with our doubts and questions, allowing the shock of the moment, the explosive moment of our lives, to become the focal point, to become our destination, where we resign ourselves to despair and slip into a place of endless sorrow and fear. Doubts we cannot overcome on our own and questions we cannot resolve, no matter how hard we search for the answers. Jesus knew this about Thomas and he knows this about you and me. He could not leave Thomas in a place where the shock of circumstances became his focus, impairing his vision, so that he could not see or remember the numerous miracles Jesus performed in his presence, or recall the explosive and life-changing words that Jesus shared, or recall the explosive and life-changing words that Jesus shared, words declared so that all people everywhere could find the path leading to him and the victory that follows. Not as difficult to find as one might think, a place he was so sure of just a few days ago is now just a memory, and where to go from here was unclear and uncertain.

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So it was no surprise when Thomas heard the good news of Jesus' resurrection on that third day, a message that should have awed him with wonder and amazement, much like Jesus and his words had done so many times before. Yet now it was received with doubt and outright rejection. When the disciples declared the good news we have seen the Lord. The only response Thomas could muster was unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails and place my finger into the mark of the nails and place my hand into his side, I will never believe. And placed my hand into his side, I will never believe. The shock had overwhelmed him to the point where he could not grasp the heaven-sent awe of the moment. As the disciples looked on Thomas with incredulous amazement, I'm grateful today that Jesus saw beyond the doubts of the moment. In Thomas' heart, he saw the pain where others may have seen belligerence. He saw the fear that had frozen Thomas in his tracks. Where others may have seen a lack of faith, jesus recognized faith that was shaken but not broken, hope that was shattered but not lost. So rather than dismissing Thomas from the list of his chosen disciples and giving him the eternal label of Thomas the doubter, jesus simply came to Thomas when Thomas couldn't come to him.

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Eight days after Thomas first received the news of Jesus' miraculous resurrection, jesus came to his house. Jesus came to his house. He walked through the man-made doors that Thomas had secured and the spiritual walls that he had built around himself. Instead of berating or scolding him, jesus amazed him once again with an explosive show of heaven's shock and awe and spoke to him as only Jesus could. Jesus simply walked into his presence and the first words he spoke were Shalom, aleichem, peace be with you. Jesus seemed to be saying my peace I give to you, thomas. Not fear. Be encouraged, not discouraged. I believe in you, thomas. Now you believe in me once more. I forgive you, thomas. Now you believe in me once more. I forgive you, thomas. Now you forgive yourself and put the past behind you. Thomas, put your finger here and see my hands. Put out your hand and place it in my side. Let your faith be renewed today and believe once again. Be renewed today and believe once again.

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In that moment, thomas was overwhelmed once again by the shock and awe of God's mercy and his restorative power that he so freely gives. All he could say, with a renewed faith in Revelation, was my Lord and my God. I pray today that, on this Easter week, that you are reminded that the restorative power of Jesus for those moments when we feel overwhelmed, consider ourselves failures and allow ourselves to become isolated in our own doubts and fears, wasn't just for Thomas in that moment in time. No matter how far you have fallen or how much your faith has been challenged, or whether you even have the ability to walk out of your own man-made doors and walls, jesus can and will come to you if your heart is ready to receive him. Jesus made an offer during his ministry when he said.

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Jesus made an offer during his ministry when he said Whoever will, let him come to me and they will find rest for their souls.

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If you find yourself weary through the struggles of life or feel that your hopes have been shattered and there is no hope for your situation, perhaps the words of Jesus in Matthew 11 will speak to your heart today Come to me and I will give you rest.

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All of you who work so hard beneath the heavy yoke, wear my yoke, for it fits perfectly, and let me teach you, for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls, for I give you only light burdens. Today, I want to remind you that Jesus is only a prayer away. Praying is simply talking to him from your heart about the issues of your life and being willing to ask for his help, seek his guidance and his forgiveness. He is more than willing and able to hear your call and answer it according to his limitless mercy and grace. He's not concerned about the form or fashion of your prayer or your status in life or how far from his grace you feel you have fallen. He just hopes that you're willing to make some time available to talk to him and listen as he speaks to you in your heart. May God bless you and keep you in the coming days, and may you experience the shock and awe of heaven's arsenal. In Jesus name.